Our SQM Shop

500-750 SQM Internal

Single Level: From $35.00
Double Level: From $45.00

Additional Costs

Ceiling painting: +$0.50-$1.00/SQM

Wall repairs: +$1.00-$2.00/SQM

Trim and molding: +$1.00-$2.00/SQM

Primer coat: +$0.50-$1.00/SQM

  • Prices quoted are *from prices, meaning that certain site conditions must be met. Please book now to confirm this price free of charge.
  • Prices are estimates and may vary depending on location, materials, and complexity.
  • Single level assumes easy access, double level assumes moderate access.
  • Prices include labor, materials, and equipment.

We can adjust these prices according to company's rates and services.

Our company has earned the trust of hundreds of customers.

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